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[expand title=”1st September, 2013 at Pune, Maharashtra“]

Report of 1st Annual Conference of Telemedicine Society of India (MahaTelemedicon 13) held on 1st September, 2013 at Pune, Maharashtra

The inaugural conference of The Telemedicine Society of India, Maharashtra Chapter was organized by TSI Maharashtra Chapter jointly with the IMA Pune branch on 1st Sept, 2013 at Dr. Nitu Mandke IMA House Pune. Over 200 delegates attended the Conference.The CME started off with a welcome address by Dr.Prakash Marathe Secretary IMA Pune branch.He called upon Dr Bharati Dhore Patil Immediate Past President IMA and Shri L.S.Satyamurthy President Elect TSI to chair the morning session. Abhijit Gupta opened the session with a demonstration of Praxify. The product generated a lot of interest and enthusiasm amongst the audience.

Another novel demonstration Health Risk Assessment (HRA) for lifestyle diseases through Telemedicine was made by Dr.B.S.Ratta.A volunteer from the audience underwent the HRA and his report was received on his mobile phone which was shown to the delegates subsequently. Dr. Ratta showed how this tool could be used to detect early cases of Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, increased Lipids and cardiac disorders at an affordable cost by holding mass camps at work site.

The conference was inaugurated by Dr. P.K. Sinha Senior Director (R&D) and High Performance Computing) at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-Dac)Pune, in the presence of Guest of Honour Dr N.K. Dhamija, Deputy Commissioner Training and Nodal Officer Telemedicine , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(MOH&FW) ,Government of India, New Delhi. The other dignitaries present on the dais for the Lighting of Lamp ceremony were office bearers of Telemedicine Society of India and IMA dignitaries Dr. Prakash Marathe and Dr. Bharati Dhorepatil. Dr P.K Sinha appreciated the role of TSI and spoke on development of cloud computing technology for development of Electronic Health Record (EHR) for every citizen of India linking it to Aadhar cards. With the EHR being central to most health informatics applications, several countries have initiated programs for implementing national EHR infrastructures. Building and implementing such a national EHR infrastructure requires an understanding of healthcare standards, coding systems, and standard frameworks, each of which may vary across borders and/or come from a myriad of sources. He then spoke on Mercury Nimbus- CDAC’s Cloud Enabled EMR/EHR and Telemedicine Suite. In fact Mercury Nimbus was launched in this conference and was well accepted by the audience. Mercury Nimbus was then demonstrated by Gaur Sunder and Praphul Kolte. It consists of three tools; Mercury on Cloud, Cloud Repository and Mercury for Android, specially tailored to cloud/clustered infrastructure. It can be used in Telemedicine scenarios like doctors working in multiple clinics, groups of clinicians working, clinicians at remote end with clinicians at specialist end and HSP-to-HSP interaction.

Dr N.K. Dhamija and Dr. S.K. Mishra shared their views on the Central Government initiatives in Telemedicine and healthcare sector including National Medical College Network. Dr. N.K. Dhamija stated that MoH&FW, Govt. of India is laying major emphasis on telemedicine application and there is a huge budget provision for the same to help in bridging the gap between Rural and Urban health divide. He also highlighted the fact that Tele-health Act is on the anvil and National Task Force for standards in Telemedicine will be rejuvenated. Dr. B.N. Mohanty spoke on the Odisha TM Network and it’s functioning in the state of Odisha. He demonstrated how three Government Medical Colleges in the state have taken on all the districts of Odisha to provide medical care through Telemedicine. Dr. Suptendra Nath Sarbadhikari spoke on National Health Portal. He mentioned that it will now be possible for Indian Doctors to upload useful clinical data and interesting medical case reports on the National Health Portal (NHP). This portal is likely to be inaugurated by October,2013.

The Afternoon session was chaired by Dr N.K.Dhamija and Dr Suparna Telang. Presentations on Tele-Psychiatry were made by Dr. Suparna Telang and Dr. Animish Chavan. They made a video presentation on use of Tele Psychiatry – SCARF in Chennai. They emphasized that it saves time and money for the patient and the service provider. They discussed various revenue models and a simple software to run a Tele-Psychiatry program. This was followed by a presentation made on Tele Ophthalmology by Dr. Sangeeta Wagh and Dr. Suchetra Kulkarni. Through video-conference with Aravind Eye Hospital of Madurai, they showed how from Ophthalmic camps the images of retina were transferred for opinion to the base hospital and from there treatment offered to the camps. They also made a video presentation on Retinopathy of Prematurity. Mr. B.S. Bedi , Advisor, CDAC and Immediate Past President of TSI spoke on EMR Standardization and it’s Inter-operability. Shri L.S. Satyamurthy, president-elect of TSI and ex-director of Telemedicine, ISRO/Deptt. of Space spoke on telemedicine as a service that can be successfully be adopted for the societal benefits in bringing healthcare to the rural and the under-served population, both in India and in other developing countries. Dr. D.B. Kadam, Professor of Medicine, Sassoon General Hospital and Nodal Officer, Telemedicine (SGH),NRHM(Maharashtra) spoke on how Maharashtra has come on to the Map of Telemedicine. He highlighted the Government Medical College Network and showcased the TM program at Sassoon General Hospital. This was well appreciated by one and all.

In the concluding session convenor Dr B.S.Ratta proposed vote of thanks.[/expand]

[expand title=”Maha-Telemedicon 13 Schedule“]

Maha-Telemedicon 13 Schedule


Venue: Dr. Nitu Mandke IMA House, Pune
Date: 1st September 2013, Sunday
Time: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.

Time Programme
08:30 to 09:00am Registration and Breakfast.
09:00 to 09:15am Demonstration of PRAXIFY    – Abhijit Gupta / Mohan Rao
09:15 to 10:00am Demonstration of Health Risk Assessment   – Dr. B.S.Ratta
10:00 to 10:30am Inaugration – Telemedicine Society of India Maharashtra Chapter,
Chief Guest – Dr. P. K. Sinha – Senior Director (HPC and R&D), C-DAC, Pune
Guest of Honour – Dr. N.K.Dhamija
Keynote address – Dr. P. K. Sinha
10:30 to 11:00am Launch and Demonstration of New Edition of C-DAC’s Mercury   – Gaur Sunder & Praphul Kolte
11:00 to 11:30am Keynote address Central Government Initiatives in Telemedicine   – Dr. N.K.Dhamija (Deputy Commissioner, Ministry of Health, Govt of India)
11:30 to 11:45am Tea Break
11:45 to 12:05pm Networking Medical Colleges in India   -Prof. Dr. S.K.Mishra (SGPGIMS Lucknow)
12:05 to 12:25pm Odisha TM Network   – Prof Dr.B.N.Mohanty (SCB Medical College Cuttak)
12:25 to 12:45pm National Health Portal    – Dr. Supten Sarbadhikari
12:45 to 01:00pm Open Session
01:00 to 02:00pm Lunch Break
02:00 to 02:30pm Tele Psychiatry   – Dr. Suparna Telang & Dr. Animish Chavan
02:30 to 03:00pm Tele Ophthalmology   – Dr. Sangeeta Wagh & Dr. Sucheta Kulkarni
03:00 to 03:20pm Maharashtra on Map of Telemedicinei in India   – Dr. D. B. Kadam
03:20 to 03:40pm Electronic Health Record   – Mr. B.S.Bedi (Ministry of IT)
03:40 to 04:00pm Telemedicine as a Service   – Mr. L. Satyamurty (Ex Director ISRO)
04:00 to 04:20pm Sustainable 24/7 Rural Healthcare   – Dr. L. DoraiRaj
04:20 to 04:30pm Open House


[expand title=”29th, 30th Nov & 1st Dec 2013, Jaipur“]

[expand title=”15th February 2014, Lucknow“]



Venue: S.G.P.G.I.M.S. Lucknow.
Date: 15th February 2014, Sunday
Time: 8.00 am to 5.30 pm.

Time Programme
08:00 to 09:00am Registration and Breakfast.
09:00 to 10:00am Inauguration Programme
09:00 to 09:15am Welcome Address:    Shri L.S. Satyamurthy, President, TSI
09:15 to 09:25am Introduction to the event:    Col. Ashwini Goel, Hony. Secretary, TSI
09:25 to 09:40am Key Note Address:   – To be announced
09:40 to 09:55am Inaugural Address:    Prof. S.K. Mishra, Immediate Past President
09:55 to 10:00am Vote of Thanks:    Prof. Nirmal Gutpa, Local Org. Secretary
10:00 to 10:30am Coffee Break (30 min)
10:30 to 12:00pm Session I- Theme:Basic Concepts on Telemedicine (12+3×5′)
Chair:  Lt. Gen. A.K.Singh / Shri Vimal Wakhlu
1. Introduction to Telemedicine as technology and its role in health care
– L.S. Satyamurthy
2. Clinical applications of Telemedicine: B.N. Mohanty
3. Applications in knowledge sharing in collaborative environment: Selva Kumar
4. Models of work spaces for telemedicine applications: Demonstration through Virtual Tour of STBMI- S.K. Mishra
5. e-Learning modules: Opportunities and Challenges: U.C. Ghoshal
12:00 to 01:00pm Session II- Video/ physical introduction of Natural Resource Center Facilities and Activities (15min) Followed by Tour by STBMI Team Conducted tour (45 min)
1. High-tech Digital Lecture Theater
2. Surgical Tele-presence Suits (Module I & II)
3. Medical Education Content Development Lab
4. Mobile e-Health platforms: Tools and Kits
5. Integrated Telemedicine Clinic
6. Integrated Digital Operation Theatre
7. SGPGI Telemedicine Enterprise and Network Operating Center(NOC)
8. SGPGI Knowledge Park
9. Pan Africa and SAARC Telemedicine Network Facilities
10. Introduction to softwares
a. Telemedicine Appplications (Mercury, Sanjeevani, Televital, Prognosys, Nimbus, Telemedicine, etc)
b. Softwares used in medical education content development
c. Medical content editing softwares (FCP, Adobe)
01:00 to 02:00pm -Lunch Break
02:00 to 03:00pm    Session III- Social Theme m-Health (12+3 min each)
Chair: Prof. R.N. Misra Prof. V.K. Kapoor
1. Introduction to m-Health: How it is different from e-Health and Telemedicine?: B.S. Bedi
2. Global development in m-Health: Historical, Standards and policies: K.Ganapathy
3. m-Health Application Scenarios: e-Learning and socialmedia – Nirmal Gupta
03:00 to 04:00pm Session IV Theme: Live Demonstration of Telemedicine Applications
Co-ordinators: P.K.Pradhan/ A.K. Sangal
1. Tele-Education: Online/ Real Time
2. Tele-Consultation: Standard and open systems (Skype, Google, etc.)
3. Clinical information & Telemedicine synergy (medical students, nursing and medical and para-medical professionals)
04:00 to 04:30pm Coffee break (30 min)
04:30 to 05:30pm Session V Theme:  Open House Session
Co-ordinator: Col. Ashvini Goel
Panelist:    Shri L.S. Satyamurthy/ Prof. Saroj K. Mishra/ Dr. Bhagwant S. Ratta/ Dr. Col. Ashwani Goel/ Shri Ashok K. Sangal/ Maj. Gen. Ashok K. Singh/ Prof. Selva Kumar/ Shri Vimal Waklu/ Prof. P.K. Pradhan/ Prof. Nirmal Gupta/ Dr. Vinod K. Gupta/ Dr. Sanjay SharmaA distinguished panel of experts will address questions placed in the question pool during the day until 4:00PM
05:30pm Coffee and Adjourn (30 min)


[expand title=”April 2014, B. J. Medical College Research Society Conference“]

Dr. B. S. Ratta & Dr. Suprna Telang presented talks on mhealth in Indian scenario & Telepsychiatry respectively.


[expand title=”August 2014, Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Sangli.“]

2nd Annual Conference of Telemedicine Society of India (MahaTelemedicon 14) held on 24th August 2014 at Sangli, Maharashtra.

MahaTelemedicon 14 this year was held in conjunction with Sparsh Advanced Laparoscopy Center and Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College and Hospital , through the aegesis of IMA Sangli. We presented the Journey of Telemedicine in India along with Developing information technology infrastructure for health care.In addition there were sessions on Tele Psychiatry and Mercury Nimbus and its mobile applications .C Snomed was show cased.

The programme was accredited by Maharastra Medical Council with 2 credit hours. Over 350 Delegates were registered and spot registrations added another 25 to the list. It was an eye opener on Telemedicine in this part of Maharashtra and enthusiased many to the field. We are following up to make them as new members. We thank IMA Sangli for its whole hearted support in organising the event.CDAC Pune as usual were the spine of the event.Thanks to the team headed by Shailesh Narvaria, Deepankar Dixit, Santosh Nirmal and Deepak Chaudhary.[/expand]

[expand title=”August 2015, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,Wardha“]



Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,Wardha
Date: 30th August 2015
Time: 09.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Time Programme
09:30 to 10:00am Registration and Breakfast.
10:00 to 12:30pm Workshop Programme
1:30pm to 4:00pm Invited Lectures:


[expand title=”Sep. 2015, Karnataka State Chapter, Bengaluru.“][/expand]

[expand title=”16th-17th,30th Oct. 2015 6th International Conference on Transforming Healthcare with IT, Lalit Ashok, Bangaluru.“][/expand]

[expand title=”10th, 11th & 12th Nov. 2016, Bengaluru.“][/expand]

[expand title=”29th July. 2017, Annual Conference of Mahatelemedicon 2017 along with Ruby Hall Clinic Pune.“][/expand]

[expand title=”13th International Telemedicon 2017 at Sheraton Grand, Pune. 9th, 10th & 11th Nov. 2017“]

TSI Maharashtra Chapter and Ruby Hall Clinic jointly organized the International Telemedicine Conference on 9th, 10th and 11th Nov. 2017 at the Sheraton Grand in Pune. The theme of the conference was “Digital Health – Shaping The Future of Health Care” As usual we had a mixed audience including Doctors, Engineers, IT specialist, Regulators, Policy makers, Researchers, vendors, innovators, and a contingent from Russia and Baltic showcasing Telemedicine and communication technologies currently in vogue. The conference was attended by more than 350 participants from India and Abroad. Key topics covered were Telepractices viz. Tele Cardiology, Tele Oncology, Tele Diabetes,Tele Radiology, Tele Psychiatry, Tele Stroke, Tele Ophthalmology, Telemedicine in extreme environment, Virtual clinics, e Labs, e ICU. Presentations were par excellent and good discussions were generated during each sessions, and lots of participants requested organizers for more time. Another highlight was the Indo Russian Forum, represented by 5 Russians in connection with 70th year of Indo Russian Friendship Treaty and the BRICS session both of which were coordinated by Dr. S. K. Mishra our own P. P. TSI and Maharashtra Chapter places on record, its gratitude to the doyen for all his help. Plenary sessions, Legal & Regulatory sessions, Telemedicine Networks around the world were other highlights of the conference.
For the first time Maharashtra Chapter initiated The Awards for Best Mobile App for Virtual Clinic, Best App for Social Responsibility, Best Paper etc.
The Conference was recognized by Maharashtra Medical Council, Mumbai with 4 Credit hours.

EDM, Brochures, Posters were used to spread the message of TelePractices via social media, emails and sms. Local Press covered the event adequately Great Demonstrations like AmbuPod, 108 Ambulance Services, in Maharashtra, Practice Management Apps, Mental Health Demonstration TeleECHO by NIMHANS, Workshop on EHR / Standardizations by CDAC were well received. Keynotes address, by IMA President Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar, led to IMA, committing at National level to hold National Telemedicine Day on 24th March every year, Town Hall meeting with Dr. Khalid Moidu USA drew lot of interest in terms of capacity building in Telemedicine. Healthcare Digital Future by Avaya and Reaching the Unreached in immunization by Serum Institute of Indias Dr. Prasad Kulkarni and Tele Paediatric led by Dr. Meenu Singh and Dr. Dhananjay Mangal were eye openers.

Conference also discussed 3D Printing, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence and 360̊ Interoperability in Healthcare, State Telemedicine Network, by Odisha & Maharashtra were well demonstrated. Conference partners SIIs Reaching the unreached, Bajaj Allianz showcasing Digitally connected Health Eco system , Telemedicine goes instant by Practo, Healthlink, Hello Doc were very well presented. Tele Neonatology and Tele Orthopaedics were new Telepractices that were discussed in length. Prof. K. Ganapathy session on NeuroSciences and Tele Stroke with Dr. Madhavan from USA went excellent.

Mr. Virender Kumar Chairman DECU – ISRO led the Govt. initiatives in Telemedicine along with Mr. B. S. Bedi, Dr. Supten Sarbhadikari , Mr L.S Satyamurthy and Mr. Gaur Sunder. TCIL’s experience in implementing eHealth projects globally was well expressed and showcased by Mr. A. Sheshagiri Rao. CDAC led by Dr. Hemant Darbari gave future direction of Technology in Healthcare.

Over 50 free papers were presented at the conference.

Presidential Oration by Prof. K. Selva Kumar took the cake. He vividly explained his journey and milestones in Telemedicine and the audience was awe stuck. All the Past Presidents , members of Exe. Committee from the National and State bodies were extremely helpful and joined hands to make Telemedicon 2017 a great success with support from the Headquarters and dynamic President TSI Prof. K Selva Kumar. A citation was given to Dr. Vijay G. Prabhakar and the two Past Presidents Dr. B. S. Ratta and Dr. B. N. Mohanty.

Any omission in the report is not intentional but may be an oversight and the committee seeks pardon. The entire show would not have been possible without the management of Sheraton Grand and event organisers MedVent to whom we are much obliged.


Dr. B. S. Ratta.
TSI Maharashtra Chapter

[expand title=”Telemedicon 2019“]

Telemedicon 2019 was held at the India Spinal Injuries Center, New Delhi between 29th November and December 1, 2019.


[expand title=”Telehealth Day – Dr. D. Y. Patil College, Pune“]
On the occocasion of Telehealth Day Dr. D. Y. Patil college had organized,

  • Essay competition for medical students
  • Poster competition
  • Lectures by Telemedicine luminaries
    • Dr. Amit Kharat
    • Dr. Prachi Sathe
    • Dr. B. S. Ratta
    • Dr. Meghna Chawala
    • Dr. Suchitra Mankar
    • Dr. Anand Halbe


[expand title=”Maha-Telemedicon 2022 Schedule“]

Maha-Telemedicon 2022 Schedule


Date: 17th September 2013, Saturday
Time: 09.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Time Programme
09:00 to 09:30am Fellowship and Breakfast.
09:00 to 09:15am Demonstration of PRAXIFY    – Abhijit Gupta / Mohan Rao
09:15 to 10:00am Demonstration of Health Risk Assessment   – Dr. B.S.Ratta
10:00 to 10:30am Inaugration – Telemedicine Society of India Maharashtra Chapter,
Chief Guest – Dr. P. K. Sinha – Senior Director (HPC and R&D), C-DAC, Pune
Guest of Honour – Dr. N.K.Dhamija
Keynote address – Dr. P. K. Sinha
10:30 to 11:00am Launch and Demonstration of New Edition of C-DAC’s Mercury   – Gaur Sunder & Praphul Kolte
11:00 to 11:30am Keynote address Central Government Initiatives in Telemedicine   – Dr. N.K.Dhamija (Deputy Commissioner, Ministry of Health, Govt of India)
11:30 to 11:45am Tea Break
11:45 to 12:05pm Networking Medical Colleges in India   -Prof. Dr. S.K.Mishra (SGPGIMS Lucknow)
12:05 to 12:25pm Odisha TM Network   – Prof Dr.B.N.Mohanty (SCB Medical College Cuttak)
12:25 to 12:45pm National Health Portal    – Dr. Supten Sarbadhikari
12:45 to 01:00pm Open Session
01:00 to 02:00pm Lunch Break
02:00 to 02:30pm Tele Psychiatry   – Dr. Suparna Telang & Dr. Animish Chavan
02:30 to 03:00pm Tele Ophthalmology   – Dr. Sangeeta Wagh & Dr. Sucheta Kulkarni
03:00 to 03:20pm Maharashtra on Map of Telemedicinei in India   – Dr. D. B. Kadam
03:20 to 03:40pm Electronic Health Record   – Mr. B.S.Bedi (Ministry of IT)
03:40 to 04:00pm Telemedicine as a Service   – Mr. L. Satyamurty (Ex Director ISRO)
04:00 to 04:20pm Sustainable 24/7 Rural Healthcare   – Dr. L. DoraiRaj
04:20 to 04:30pm Open House

